Clash of clans: Why did the trap not work?

Clash of clans: Why did the trap not work?

If your trap did not work, when you need to, most likely the reason is as follows: Your trap was not charged (it may have worked during the previous attack). Forwards did not enter the activation zone or did not step on it.

Someone too heavy or too fast stepped on the spring trap, and therefore she did not toss him. Air search mines do not attack minions or infernal puppies. Minions and infernal puppies are invisible to air search mines (but not air bombs).

If a soldier steps on a spring trap, he will simply fly away from the battlefield when it works. Those with high speeds, such as goblins or warriors, accelerated by a rage spell, can move so fast that they manage to escape the trap. Traps do not respond to the defenders of the village.


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