Hero skins: the ability to receive new exclusive hero skins every month

Hero skins: the ability to receive new exclusive hero skins every month

Hero skins are unlocked by seasonal challenges. Hero skins are available only to those who have acquired a gold pass and scored enough points to unlock this award. Points can be obtained for passing the tests of the day and ongoing tests or buy for crystals (only with a gold pass). After you take the hero’s skin, you can switch to it by touching the hero’s altar and selecting “Change skin”. Select the skin you want to use using the arrows and press “Select.”

Other players will see your hero’s skin when viewing real-time replays, regular replays, and also while scouting your village or military base. If the hero’s skin is not visible to other players, you need to wait a bit and it will appear: data for displaying the skin is loaded in the background right during the game. You can use only those skins that you discovered in the seasonal tests yourself. Changing the hero’s skin will not lead to a break in the possibility of using the layout.

To make sure that you get the skin of a hero that you didn’t have time to pick up, touch the altar of your hero and click on the “Change skin” button. 24 hours before the end of the season you will receive a push notification reminding you to open and collect rewards.


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