Starting at level 5, the heroes of Clash of Clans the king of the barbarians, the queen of archers and the keeper receive special abilities.

Starting at level 5, the heroes of Clash of Clans the king of the barbarians, the queen of archers and the keeper receive special abilities.

Iron fist of the king of barbarians. At maximum level, the iron fist can summon up to 28 barbarians and increases the damage done and the speed of the barbarian king. If the barbarian king has already been damaged, his health will also increase. To activate the iron fist in battle, first release the king on the battlefield. Then touch its icon again and the ability will take effect.

Royal mantle of the Queen of Archers. When using the royal mantle, the queen of archers temporarily becomes invisible to the enemy. Any defenses that attacked her will seek a new target. In addition, the queen calls to her aid a group of furious archers. Like the barbarian king, the queen gains health if she is injured. To activate the royal mantle, once again touch the icon of the Queen of Archers after she is on the battlefield.

Book of the eternity of the keeper. Unlike other heroes, the keeper has a passive ability, “Aura of Life”. It is activated when the keeper enters the battle, and adds health to all warriors in the zone of its operation. Thanks to the book of the keeper’s eternity, all the warriors around him become invincible for a while. Upgrade your keeper to increase the power of his abilities. Before sending the keeper to the battlefield, you can choose in which mode – ground or flight – to use it.


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