How are trophies calculated in Clash of Clans?

How are trophies calculated in Clash of Clans?

Clash of Clans uses a trophy-based system that will find you a suitable opponent and put you in the league when you make an attack. You will receive trophies, successfully attacking opponents or defending against them. The number of trophies you win or lose is calculated based on the difference between yours and the enemy’s score. Remember:

If you win an attack or defense against a player with a large number of trophies, you will receive more trophies as a reward. If you win in attacks or defenses against a player with fewer trophies than you, you will receive fewer. If you lose to a player who has fewer trophies than you, then you will lose more.

If you lose to a player who has more trophies than you, then you will lose less. In some cases, you can win or lose zero trophies, for example, in the case of revenge. This happens if, from the moment of the last attack, the number of trophies has increased significantly or decreased. 1-50% damage: for every 1% of damage you get 1.6% of the league bonus. 51-70% Damage: You receive 1% of the total league bonus. Thus, 25% of the damage gives you a 40% bonus, 50% of the damage – 80% of the bonus, and 70% of damage – 100% of the bonus.


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