Clash of Clans: What is a stone thrower and combat airship?

Clash of Clans: What is a stone thrower and combat airship?

The stone thrower is a giant balloon from which huge stones are dumped onto the enemy defenses. Each stone deals damage in a collision. It also deals additional damage to walls. Unlike other siege machines, stone throwers do not choose the town hall as a target and do not plant troops when they reach it.

Instead, they destroy the nearest defenses and land troops only when the player releases them or when the stone thrower is destroyed. To open the stone thrower, you need to upgrade the workshop to level 3. Troops donated by the clan can be released to the battlefield at any time, however, this will lead to the destruction of the stone thrower. Spells do not affect siege vehicles.

What is a combat airship? A combat airship is an air siege vehicle that flies over walls and heads straight for the town hall. Flying across the sky and dropping bombs on buildings that fall into her path, she leaves a trail of destruction. The landing of troops from the airship will lead to its destruction. Of course, enemy defenses can also destroy a combat airship. In this case, the troops will be landed immediately. Upgrade your combat airship in the lab to increase its health and the damage it deals. To open a combat airship, you need a workshop of the 2nd level. Siege vehicles are not affected by spells.


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