Clash of Clans topped the top US App Store after major update

Clash of Clans topped the top US App Store after major update

The game has been leading for nine days.

The game implements a wide range of defenses, from cannons, archer towers, mortars, and ending with Infernal towers and Tesla towers. All of them except their own radius also have their purpose. Electric charges strike PK tank warriors with a factor of x40, archers on towers spend quivers at any rate, and air is only interested in winged beasts. By the way, the balance in Clash of Clans was implemented with a bang, so if the air defense or walls are insufficiently upgraded, even, for example, pumped to the top of the Vizard towers, they will not be able to pull out the entire def with their colossal damage over the areas.

Therefore, to make it easier for you to understand, we will give a simple example. And the player will help us in this, who was already very worried about his resources and placed all the gold mines, the eclipse rocking chairs, the vault inside the perimeter of the walls, but since there is always not enough fence for the mechanics of the game, there’s naturally room for his mortar and air not enough. So it turned out that during the attack, the first thing they did was demolish air defense and his beloved mortar with high DPS, thereby depriving the rest of the def of proper cover.


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